Japanese adverts are well known for their more out there approach to advertising. T|they're built to be as memorable as possible to make the product stand out as much as they can. Only thing is, so are all the other adverts! The budgets for these in places are significantly larger compared to typical advertising, so in some cases they go all out on the craziness of it all.
Use: Use the over the topness if it is safe to do so, most of the time it is not appropriate, as brands don’t want over the top graphics, stories and other hyper in your face adverts, it doesn't sell so well for western audiences.
Genre: Medium
This shows the order of the hype drive used in Spider-man Across The Spider-Verse, all of these shots happen in a matter of seconds, but only reveal Hobie right at the end. Remember, vague, but specific.
There are LOOAADDDSS of these.