Projection Mapping - York
Client: Double Take Projections, LNER, The York Bid, York Arts Gallery
Year: January 2024
Responsibilities: Producing 5 of the 12 sections of the 10 minutes projection shows. I was responsible for 5 of the 12 sections of the show. The arts styles I covered were: Mosaic, Cubism, Pottery, Pencil Rendering and Screen Printing. Beyond that I had nothing to do with the rest of the production.
The Challenge: York Arts Gallery needs a campaign to help advertise the gallery and give the public a reason to go and visit. It needs to be striking, dynamic and get the attention of the media and ultimately go viral. This is also part of York Bid which their goal is 'Delivering services which make York a great place to work, live, visit, study and do business.' This is contributing towards making York a great place to visit.
The Solution: The solution was a 10 minute projection mapping show using 12 different art styles which could be found within the gallery. The piece was timed to music for extra impact and a variety of projection mapping techniques were used.
The Process: The scope of the project changed once my sections were completed. When I started the project, my sections were going to be played individually. However a music track was added, and all of the sections of the artwork including the sections which I had not worked on were all remixed together. This was beyond my control, and is the nature of creative work like this, sometimes feedback changes the project dramatically. It meant that all of the work I had done for the project was not sacked off, but was heavily edited. This is not a bad thing because ultimately the final show was far more dynamic and did not linger too much on a single art style. Either way, below are 5 sections that I worked on in all their rendered glory!
The Results: The show was successful! The clients were all happy with everything produced and the show went live of February 7th till February 25th. I went and visited it and got some pictures and videos. It made it to bbc news, and other various news outlets in York. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-68219781